Monday 24 October 2011

It's the little things

Clips from my life:

  • Finally have all the ingredients for my famous peanut butter chocolate chip cookies; minds will be blown this Tuesday
  • A care package is on its way from Canada (and since this is me we're talking about, it's mostly filled with clothes)
  • One of my classes has decided that the best strategy for test day is to not show up for test day
  • Found a Goosebumps book in Hebrew, and now really wish I had a friend who reads Hebrew so I could give them the best gift of their life
  • Thinking about the (upwards of $120) haircut I'm going to get when I'm in Canada at Christmas. Definitely bangs, definitely shorter, but that's all I have so far. I think my three year experiment with long hair needs to be wrapped up.
  • Finally saw Contagion; little disappointed that this wasn't the explanation for the virus
  • Possibly involved in a Georgian love triangle

And finally, really big news coming in the next week or so; stay tuned.

*  *  *

Heyyyy, also, while I have you (plural, i.e. everyone) here - why not send me an email when you get the chance? (Or, alternatively, make time. Seriously. I'm only on the other side of the world, here). I also accept (and reply to!) text messages, Skype voicemails, and all means of facebook communication. I don't have internet at home, but I will respond in a timely manner to any communique, from matters pop cultural, to big life events, to everyday bitching and moaning.

Sample topics:

- that crappy movie you saw last weekend
- which new TV shows have been cancelled already
- that idiot thing your idiot boyfriend did
- how insane your relatives are
- work is the worst!
- the cute new sweater you bought for fall
- gossip
- a fantastic book you just read, that you wish I'd read too so we could discuss it
- guess what building they tore down/which guilty pleasure chain store it was replaced with?
- Canadian politics (HA HA HA JUST KIDDING)
- my life is terrible and I miss you!

...and so on.

Thank you!


  1. > Possibly involved in a Georgian love triangle

    That's.... interesting. Please make sure that nobody will get hurt...

  2. Don't worry, it'll probably just be me.
